PCK Lianyungang Base held a Red Song Competition to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party

PCK Lianyungang Base held a Red Song Competition to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party

2021-06-30 21:43:28

The 100-year journey has been magnificent, and the Party is in full bloom. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), PCK Lianyungang Company held the 'My Heart is Towards the Party, A Hundred Years of Glory' Red Song Competition on June 30. The event aimed to eulogize the great Party and motherland, and demonstrate the staff's patriotism, enthusiasm, and high spirit. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, a red song competition was held. The competition featured beautiful songs that sang the main theme of the times and showcased the majestic power to forge ahead on a new journey. The event paid tribute to the founding of the party.



After a month of preparation and selection, a total of 5 solo teams and 5 chorus teams, comprising more than 50 people, participated in the competition. The teams sang the main theme and essence of the company with vigor and beautiful singing. They praised the great achievements of the party with resounding and majestic songs, expressed their infinite love for the party, and fully demonstrated the unity of the company's workers, their upward movement in style and power. "I and my motherland", "Singing the Motherland", and other songs express gratitude to the party, loyalty to the motherland, and blessings for its prosperity. "Loyalty to the Country", "Into the New Era", and other songs demonstrate our love for a better home and our determination to make it stronger. Classic red songs like "Poplar" and "Red" serve as a reminder of our revolutionary past. "We Walk on the Great Road" inspires us to continue our journey towards a brighter future. The phrase 'We walk on the big road' inspires cadres and staff to improve their skills, sharpen their talents, and strive for the future. This accumulation of energy fuels their fighting spirit and provides power for life's journey. The centennial celebration is a testament to the enduring legacy of this spirit.

 The red song competition awarded a total of 7 prizes: 1 first prize, 1 second prize, 1 third prize for the solo group, and chorus group.   The contest concluded with the announcement of the winners: one first prize, one second prize, and two third prizes. The event ended with a rousing rendition of 'Singing the Motherland' that is sure to inspire Zhugang employees to persevere and strive for excellence in their work. Let us work pragmatically to accelerate the completion of the company's annual goals and make our due contribution.
